I dag har jeg enda et fødselsdagskort å vise dere.
Today I have another birthday card to show you.
Da blomstene var limt fast, fant jeg ut at det var alfor mange av dem, men da var det for sent å forandre på ;((
When all the flowers had been glued to the card, I realized having used too many, but then it was too late to rearrange them ;((
Today I have another birthday card to show you.
Da blomstene var limt fast, fant jeg ut at det var alfor mange av dem, men da var det for sent å forandre på ;((
When all the flowers had been glued to the card, I realized having used too many, but then it was too late to rearrange them ;((
Ustyr: / Supplies:
Mønsterark: / Design paper:
Magnolia Ink: "Grandma's Wallpaper"
Motiv: / Image:
Marianne Design (shoes), Spellbinders (frame),
Sue Wilson (leaves)
Blomster: / Flowers:
Staz, Papirdesign, WOC, Kort og Godt
Takk for alle fine kommentarer dere gav meg på forrige innlegg!
Velkommen tilbake!
Thank you so much for all the nice comments on my last blog post!
Welcome back!