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tirsdag 27. april 2021

April utfordringen... / The April challenge...

Oppgaven for april var stempelteknikker.
Her finner dere Elses vakre kort.

Jeg tenkte da jeg valgte oppgaven at det skulle være grei skuring , men det ble litt mer trøblete enn jeg hadde forestilt meg - flere stempeltrykk gikk i søpla ;)
Her er i hvert fall min løsning:
The task for April was stamp techniques.
Here you will find Else's beautiful cards.

For me the task turned out to be more complicated than I thought it would be - quite a few stamped images ended up in the trash bin ;)
 Nevertheless, here are my cards:
Hovedkortet - Teknikk: Skyggestempling:
The main card - Technique: Shadow stamping:
Kort nr. 1 / Card #1:  
Utstyr: / Supplies:
Stempler: / Stamps:
JustRite Papercraft
Halvperler: / Half pearls:
Doodlebug Design
Bakrunnen: / The background:
Distress Oxide Inks:
"Antique linen", "Bundled sage", "Brushed corduroy"
Kort nr. 2: / Card #2:
    Paper Discovery by Olga Direktorenko
Spellbinders, Papirdesign
Stempel: / Stamp:
Ukjent / Unknown
Tekst: fra pc
Sentiment: from the computer
Kort nr. 3: / Card #3:
StudioLight paper pad "Summer Breeze"
Stempel hovedmotiv: / The stamp main image:
Ukjent / Unknown
Stempel tekst: / The stamp sentiment:
Linda Design
Papirdesign, Spellbinders
Blomster: / Flowers:
Julekortet - Teknikk: Two Layer Stamping:
The Christmas card - Technique: Two Layer Stamping:
Utstyr: / Supplies:
Stempler fra: / Stamps from:
Creative Stamping magazine, special editions: "Silhouette Scenes"
+ "Noel" (tekst/sentiment)
Stempelputer: / Stamp pads:
Distress Oxide Ink: "Pine Needles"
Memento Ink: "London Fog"
Takk til deg som tittet innom - velkommen tilbake!
Thanks for stopping by - welcome back!   

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