å lage et staffeli kort.
Dette var hva jeg fant på;
et høstkort laget som et trippel staffelikort.
Så artig å lage ;))
This month the challenge between my friend Else and myself
was to make an easel card.
This is what I came up with;
an Autumn card made as a triple easel card.
So fun to make ;))
Utstyr: / Supplies:
Heartfelt Creations - "Classic Editions Collection"
Ramme: / Frame: Spellbinders
Gresskar: / Pumpkins: Elisabeth Design
Blader: / Leaves: Sue Wilson
Tre: / Tree: Ukjent / Unknown
Stempel: / tamp:
Blomster: / Flowers:
Perler: / Pearls:
Takk til dere som tittet innom idag
- og for fine tilbakemeldinger på forrige blogginnlegg!
Thank you so much for stopping by today
- and for all the nice comments on the last blog post!